import MyNat.Definition
import MyNat.Addition
import AdvancedAdditionWorld.Level9 -- succ_ne_zero
namespace MyNat
open MyNat

Advanced Addition World

Level 10: add_left_eq_zero

Important: the definition of

In Lean, a ≠ b is defined to mean (a = b) → false. This means that if you see a ≠ b you can literally treat it as saying (a = b) → false. Computer scientists would say that these two terms are definitionally equal.

The following lemma, a+b=0 ⟹ b=0, will be useful in Inequality World. Let me go through the proof, because it introduces several new concepts:

  • cases b, where b : MyNat
  • exfalso
  • apply succ_ne_zero

We're going to prove a+b=0 ⟹ b=0. Here is the strategy. Each natural number is either 0 or succ d for some other natural number d. So we can start the proof with

cases b with d

and then we have two goals, the case b = 0 (which you can solve easily) and the case b = succ d, which looks like this:

a d : MyNat,
h : a + succ d = 0
⊢ succ d = 0

Our goal is impossible to prove. However our hypothesis h is also impossible, meaning that we still have a chance! First let's see why h is impossible. We can

rw [add_succ] at h

to turn h into h : succ (a + d) = 0. Because succ_ne_zero (a + d) is a proof that succ (a + d) ≠ 0, it is also a proof of the implication succ (a + d) = 0 → false. Hence succ_ne_zero (a + d) h is a proof of false! Unfortunately our goal is not false, it's a generic false statement.

Recall however that the exfalso command turns any goal into false (it's logically OK because false implies every proposition, true or false).


If a and b are natural numbers such that a + b = 0 then b = 0.

add_left_eq_zero: ∀ ⦃a b : MyNat⦄, a + b = 0 → b = 0
a: MyNat
b: MyNat
MyNat: Type
}} (
h: a + b = 0
a: MyNat
b: MyNat
0: MyNat
) :
b: MyNat
0: MyNat
a, b: MyNat
h: a + b = 0

b = 0
a, b: MyNat
h: a + b = 0

b = 0
a: MyNat
h: a + zero = 0

zero = 0

Goals accomplished! 🐙
a, d: MyNat
h: a + succ d = 0

succ d = 0
a, d: MyNat
h: a + succ d = 0

succ d = 0
a, d: MyNat
h: succ (a + d) = 0

succ d = 0
a, d: MyNat
h: succ (a + d) = 0

succ d = 0
a, d: MyNat
h: succ (a + d) = 0

succ d = 0
a, d: MyNat
h: succ (a + d) = 0

a, d: MyNat
h: succ (a + d) = 0

succ (a + d) = 0

Goals accomplished! 🐙

Next up Level 11