import MyNat.Definition
import MyNat.Addition -- add_zero
import MyNat.Inequality -- le_iff_exists_add
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use -- use tactic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Relation.Rfl -- rfl tactic
import AdditionWorld.Level4 -- add_comm
namespace MyNat
open MyNat

Inequality world.

Here's a nice easy one.

Level 2: le_refl

Lemma :

The relation is reflexive. In other words, if x is a natural number, then x ≤ x.

le_refl_mynat: ∀ (x : MyNat), x ≤ x
x: MyNat
MyNat: Type
) :
x: MyNat
x: MyNat
x: MyNat

x x

Goals accomplished! 🐙

Upgrading the rfl tactic

Now with the following incantation you can teach the MathLib rfl tactic about our new lemma.

attribute [refl] 
MyNat.le_refl_mynat: ∀ (x : MyNat), x ≤ x

Now we find that the rfl tactic will close all goals of the form a ≤ a as well as all goals of the form a = a.

example: 0 ≤ 0
: (
0: MyNat
MyNat: Type
0: MyNat

0 0

Goals accomplished! 🐙

Pro tip

-- BUGBUG in lean4 use 0 closes the proof, so no need for all this stuff below -- so I need to move this info to another place where it makes sense.

Did you skip rw [le_iff_exists_add] in your proof of le_refl_mynat above? Instead of rw [add_zero] or ring or exact add_zero x at the end there, what happens if you just try rfl? The definition of x + 0 is x, so you don't need to rw add_zero either! The proof

use 0


The same remarks are true of add_succ, mul_zero, mul_succ, pow_zero and pow_succ. All of those theorems are true by definition. The same is not true however of zero_add; the theorem 0 + x = x was proved by induction on x, and in particular it is not true by definition.

Definitional equality is of great importance to computer scientists, but mathematicians are much more fluid with their idea of a definition -- a concept can simultaneously have three equivalent definitions in a maths talk, as long as they're all logically equivalent. In Lean, a definition is one thing, and definitional equality is a subtle concept which depends on exactly which definition you chose. add_comm is certainly not true by definition, which means that if we had decided to define a ≤ b by ∃ c, b = c + a (rather than a + c) all the same theorems would be true, but rfl would work in different places. rfl closes a goal of the form X = Y if X and Y are definitionally equal.

Next up Level 3