import MyNat.Definition
namespace MyNat
open MyNat

Proposition world.

Level 1: the exact tactic.

The local context (or tactic state) at the beginning of the example below looks like this:

P Q : Prop,
p : P,
h : P → Q
⊢ Q

In this situation, we have true/false statements P and Q, a proof p of P, and h is the hypothesis that P → Q (P implies Q). Our goal is to construct a proof of Q. It's clear what to do mathematically to solve this goal, P is true and P implies Q so Q is true. But how to do it in Lean?

Adopting a point of view wholly unfamiliar to many mathematicians, Lean interprets the hypothesis h as a function from proofs of P to proofs of Q, so the rather surprising approach

exact h p

works to close the goal!

Note that exact h P (with a capital P) won't work; this is a common error by beginners. "We're trying to solve P so it's exactly P". The goal states the theorem, your job is to construct the proof. P is not a proof of P, it's p that is a proof of P.

The analogy would be like trying to call a function "sin X" with "Float" instead of a number 3.1415.


If P is true, and P → Q is also true, then Q is true.

example: ∀ (P Q : Prop), P → (P → Q) → Q
P: Prop
Q: Prop
Prop: Type
) (
p: P
P: Prop
) (
h: P → Q
P: Prop
Q: Prop
) :
Q: Prop
P, Q: Prop
p: P
h: P Q


Goals accomplished! 🐙

Look familiar? The reason this works so elegantly is because the Lean programming language has unified Propositions with the Type system of the language.

Next up Level 2