import PowerWorld.Level1
import PowerWorld.Level2
import PowerWorld.Level3
import PowerWorld.Level4
import PowerWorld.Level5
import PowerWorld.Level6
import PowerWorld.Level7
import PowerWorld.Level8

Power World

A new world with seven levels. And a new import! This import gives you the power to make powers of your natural numbers. It is defined by recursion, just like addition and multiplication. Here are the two new axioms:

  • pow_zero (a : MyNat) : a ^ 0 = 1
  • pow_succ (a b : MyNat) : a ^ succ b = a ^ b * a

The power function has various relations to addition and multiplication. If you have gone through levels 1--6 of Addition World and levels 1--9 of Multiplication World, you should have no trouble with this world: The usual tactics induction, rw and rfl should see you through.

Addition and multiplication -- we have a solid API for them now, i.e. if you need something about addition or multiplication, it's probably already in the library we have built. Collectibles are an indication that we are proving the right things.

The levels in this world were designed by Sian Carey, a UROP student at Imperial College London, funded by a Mary Lister McCammon Fellowship, in the summer of 2019. Thanks Sian!

Let's begin with Level 1.