import MyNat.Definition
namespace MyNat
open MyNat

Proposition world.

Level 3: have.

Say you have a whole bunch of propositions and implications between them, and your goal is to build a certain proof of a certain proposition. If it helps, you can build intermediate proofs of other propositions along the way, using the have command. have q : Q := ... is the Lean analogue of saying "We now see that we can prove Q, because..." in the middle of a proof. It is often not logically necessary, but on the other hand it is very convenient, for example it can save on notation, or it can break proofs up into smaller steps.

In the level below, we have a proof of P and we want a proof of U; during the proof we will construct proofs of of some of the other propositions involved. The diagram of propositions and implications looks like this pictorially:


and so it's clear how to deduce U from P. Indeed, we could solve this level in one move by typing

exact l (j (h p))

But let us instead stroll more lazily through the level. We can start by using the have tactic to make a proof of Q:

have q := h p

and then we note that j q is a proof of T:

have t : T := j q

(note how we explicitly told Lean what proposition we thought t was a proof of, with that : T thing before the :=) and we could even define u to be l t:

have u : U := l t

and then finish the level with

exact u

Lemma : maze

In the maze of logical implications above, if P is true then so is U.

maze: ∀ (P Q R S T U : Prop), P → (P → Q) → (Q → R) → (Q → T) → (S → T) → (T → U) → U
P: Prop
Q: Prop
R: Prop
S: Prop
T: Prop
U: Prop
Prop: Type
) (
p: P
P: Prop
) (
h: P → Q
P: Prop
Q: Prop
) (
Warning: unused variable `i` [linter.unusedVariables]
Q: Prop
R: Prop
) (
j: Q → T
Q: Prop
T: Prop
) (
Warning: unused variable `k` [linter.unusedVariables]
S: Prop
T: Prop
) (
l: T → U
T: Prop
U: Prop
) :
U: Prop
P, Q, R, S, T, U: Prop
p: P
h: P Q
i: Q R
j: Q T
k: S T
l: T U

P, Q, R, S, T, U: Prop
p: P
h: P Q
i: Q R
j: Q T
k: S T
l: T U
q: Q

P, Q, R, S, T, U: Prop
p: P
h: P Q
i: Q R
j: Q T
k: S T
l: T U
q: Q
t: T

P, Q, R, S, T, U: Prop
p: P
h: P Q
i: Q R
j: Q T
k: S T
l: T U
q: Q
t: T
u: U


Goals accomplished! 🐙

Remember you can move your cursor around with the arrow keys and explore the various tactic states in this proof in Visual Studio Code, and note that the tactic state at the beginning of exact u is this mess:

P Q R S T U : Prop,
p : P,
h : P → Q,
i : Q → R,
j : Q → T,
k : S → T,
l : T → U,
q : Q,
t : T,
u : U
⊢ U

It was already bad enough to start with, and we added three more terms to it. In level 4 we will learn about the apply tactic which solves the level using another technique, without leaving so much junk behind.

Next up Level 4